SMotW #21: unclassified assets
Security Metric of the Week #21: proportion of information assets not marked with the correct classification There are three key assumptions underlying this week's Security Metric of the Week: The meaning of "information asset" is clear to all involved; There are suitable policies and procedures in place concerning how to risk-assess and classify information assets correctly; The metricator (person gathering/analyzing the data for the metric) is able to tell whether or not a given information asset is (a) correctly classified and (b) correctly marked. Part of the concern about the meaning of "information asset" is the determination of what should be assessed and marked: should we classify the filing cabinet, the drawers, the files, the documents or the individual pages? In some cases, it may be appropriate to classify them all, but there are practical limits in both the micro and macro directions. The wording of the policies, procedures, examples etc. can ma...