SMotW #34: homogeneity
Security Metric of the Week #34: organizational and technical homogeneity The degree of homogeneity (sameness) or heterogeneity (variation or variability) within the organization and its technologies affects its aggregated information security risks, in much the same way that monoculture and multiculture crops may face a differing risks from natural predators, parasites, adverse environmental conditions etc. A particular mold that successfully attacks a certain cultivar of wheat, for example, may decimate a wheat field planted exclusively with that cultivar whereas it may not take hold, making little impact on a neighboring field planted with a mix of wheat cultivars differing in their susceptibility or resistance to the mold. On the other hand, under ideal conditions, the monoculture crop may do exceptionally well (perhaps well enough to counteract the effects of the mold) where the mixed crop does averagely. Homogeneity of technologies, suppliers, contracts etc . ...