Security awareness: it's easy, right?
Anyone can 'do' security awareness. It's easy, right? Tell staff to choose strong passwords, avoid dodgy websites, and comply with policies and procedures, and the job's a good 'un. Bish bash bosh, is it time to go home already? OK, smarty-pants: try writing something meaningful and worthwhile about information security for a non-technical audience, people who 'have things to do' or 'have a life', don't particularly care about information security, have limited attention spans and negligible vocabularies. For a genuine challenge, limit yourself to the "ten hundred" most common English words . If you can say what has to be said without it coming across as a condescending finger-wagging lecture to a six-year-old, congratulations, that's one hurdle cleared. For bonus marks, make it engaging, action-oriented or motivational in style, sufficient to persuade your audience not just to nod sagely as if they actually give a toss, but to...