Specifications for a consultant
[In response to a LinkeDin query about finding an information security consultant for a 'security compliance project' (whatever that means!), I developed a slightly shorter version of the following advice, extending something I wrote much earlier in relation to finding a contractor/consultant IT auditor . I think the basic principles are quite general and deserve a wider airing, so I'm repeating them here for now. I may yet turn this into a paper for one of the websites or journals if the feedback is positive, provided I ever find the time and energy to continue.] In preparing to contract with a consultant, there are maybe three or four distinct aspects to consider and document. Some issues blur across the aspects shown, and there may well be other factors you need to consider. Furthermore, answering the rhetorical questions below may involve reviewing other answers, plans etc . - this is an iterative process of Consider - Document - Review - Reconsider ... Define the wor...