Information risk and security tools
We've just completed and delivered a brand new awareness module for January 2016 concerning the tools supporting information risk and security : Scope of the awareness module There are literally thousands of tools in the information risk and security space. One of the more technical awareness papers in the module discusses some 68 types of tool - that not merely 68 actual products but 68 categories with numerous tools in each. We could have kept going but 12 pages was more than enough for a 'briefing'! In scoping, researching and preparing to write the module, we faced up to the possibility that the awareness materials might inadvertently spark an interest in the dark side among our customers' workforces. Many of the sexiest tools in the toolbox could be classed as dual-use weapons technology, valuable for good and evil purposes. In fact, many of them owe their very existence to the crucible of creativity and passion that is hacking . Our response was to be open abou...