The start is nigh
With near-perfect timing, we're into the final stages of polishing off January's awareness module on IoT and BYOD security. I say near- perfect because this is the last weekend of 2017 with just over a day remaining until 2018. After a week of chilly and miserable weather, an unseasonal polar blast, I'd rather be out enjoying the fine weather and getting ready for the traditional new year's eve celebrations! The last section of writing took a bit longer than planned, but I'm confident we'll hit the delivery deadline. Updates to the website are in hand and we'll be packaging and sending the materials to subscribers tomorrow, electronically that is. Looking forward, we've selected awareness topics for first few months of 2018 and written them up on our distinctly low-tech office whiteboard. We deliberately don't plan too far ahead (who knows what will crop up?) but it takes time to research and draft the materials. Having working titles and outline...