28 days of awareness: day 27

We're on the home straight now. All the writing is done and dusted, proof-read and polished to a gleam. The poster images are winging their way to us through the Internet. The website is being revised with an updated home and 'this month' pages describing the ransomwareness module. We'll take the opportunity to quote Pro fessor Angela Sasse , professor of human-centred technology and director of the UK Research Institute in the Science of Cyber Security at University College, University of London. Angela's comments at a European m eeting resonated with me, in particular: “In most organizations today, awareness training is just background noise. This stuff is being pushed at people but its going past them. They are not engaging with it and not changing as a result.” Agreed, engaging the audience is crucial, Angela, but how ? Several engagement techniques are employed in the ransomware materials: Rather than attempt to cover everything at once, we've focused on ...