Quality assurance
Our own assurance measures kick into top gear about now with the impending completion of the next awareness module - specifically proofreading and final corrections on the awareness materials before they are packaged up for delivery. Like any craftsmen, we take pride in our work. It's what we do , our specialism. We strive to make our output as good as we possibly can, a perfectionist streak that probably goes beyond what's strictly necessary. It flows from our deep-set belief in the value of integrity, both as individuals and as a business. It matters. Quality assurance is integral to our production process. Checking our finished work (quality control) is the final stage and an opportunity for me to take stock. Having had my head inside the topic all month, it's good to step back for a look at the whole package of awareness goodies as it comes together. Provided the proofreading reveals few issues, I'm reassured that we did a good job, bringing the month's activit...