A-to-Z of outsider threats
I love it when a plan comes together! We're close to completing the 'outsider threats' security awareness module for September, checking and finalizing the materials. Things are getting tense as the IsecT office clock ticks away the remaining hours. Normally, we develop awareness briefings for each of the three audience groups from the corresponding three awareness seminar slide decks, using the graphics and notes as donor/starter content and often following a similar structure. Having finished the staff seminar this morning, I anticipated using that as the basis for a staff briefing as usual ... but, on reflection, I realized that we have more than enough content to prepare a lengthier A-to-Z guide to outsider threats instead. The sheer number and variety of outsider threats and incidents is itself a strong awareness message. Listing and (briefly) describing them in an alphabetical sequence makes sense. This will be an interesting read for awareness and tr...