How to challenge audit findings
Although I wrote this in the context of ISO/IEC 27001 certification audits, it applies in other situations where there is a problem with something the auditors are reporting such as a misguided, out of scope or simply wrong audit finding. Here are some possible strategies to consider : Have a quiet word with the auditor/s about it, ideally before it gets written up and finalized in writing. Discuss the issue – talk it through, consider various perspectives. Negotiate a pragmatic mutually-acceptable resolution, or at least form a better view of the sticking points. Have a quiet word with your management and specialist colleagues about it, before the audit gets reported. Discuss the issue. Agree how you will respond and try to resolve this. Develop a cunning plan and gain their support to present a united front. Ideally, get management ready to demonstrate that they are definitely committing to fixing this e.g. with budget pro...