Threat is ...
... "any circumstance or event with the potential to adversely impact organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation through an information system via unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or denial of service" [source: NIST SP800-30r1 ] ... "a person, situation or event (whether deliberate or accidental, targeted or generic in nature) that is hazardous or dangerous, capable of causing an information security incident" [source: SecAware glossary ] ... "potential cause of an unwanted incident, which can result in harm to a system or organization" [source: ISO/IEC 27000:2018 ] ... a competitor's unexpected shift of tactics ... an ominous promise to cause harm ... an accident waiting to happen ... the cause of a really bad day ... nature red in tooth and claw ... storm clouds on the horizon .....