
Showing posts from August, 2024

Philosophical phriday - a little hype for the weekend

Advertising copy, marketing reports, social media pieces and news articles in general warn us that things are getting worse. Pretty much everything is getting worse, and of course that's bad. See if you recognise any of these choice phrases: In today's [*] world : a classic throwaway AI/MML introductory phrase, presumably emphasising that the present is different to the past, the future dramatically so. With just a short browse through my LinkeDin feed, I've seen the following fill-ins for that asterisk: 'unpredictable', 'complex and uncertain', 'complex business', 'hectic', 'fast-evolving' (paradoxically), 'fast-paced', 'digital', 'fast-paced digital', 'fast-paced hyper-connected', 'fast-paced tech', 'fast-paced data-driven', 'tech-driven', 'mobile-first', 'B2B', 'globalized' (yes, really) blah blah blah. Despite there being 87 synonyms , the robots are c...

If a business continuity exercise is too hot to handle

Full-on business continuity exercises can be big, intimidating, lengthy, costly (although hopefully still valuable!) and (to some extent) risky affairs for complex organisations or industry groups that really go to town on them ... but that's not the only way. Alternatives include: Solitary plan review/maintenance update - where the person responsible for a particular part of the whole plan (such as a section or department head) sits quietly in a dark corner imagining how things would play out in practice, carefully checking their part, liaising with colleagues as appropriate ( e.g . on interfaces, coordination and reporting), taking advantage of their knowledge of that part of the business and any results from previous checks, working within the constraint of agreed strategies, policies and objectives .

Online Standards Development

ISO+IEC have been working hard to develop, pilot, refine, document and now release a new system for developing standards collaboratively .  " O nline S tandards D evelopment" allows editors, expert contributors, reviewers, proofreaders, project managers, officers and the ISO Secretariat  etc . to work on the same document at the same time as a globally-distributed/virtual team.

Adaptive SME security guide (FREE!)

I am delighted to announce the release of   Adaptive SME Security : The guide describes a pragmatic, five-phased approach for  S mall to  M edium-sized  E nterprises to manage their information risk and security arrangements: