Know your enemy
Paraphrasing the key conclusions of Organised Crime in the Digital Age , a study into digital crimes by BAE Systems Detica and the John Grieve Centre for Policing and Community Safety: Digital crimes are superceding drug crimes. 80% of digital crime is conducted by organised groups rather than lone criminals. Group structures vary (clustered, hierarchical etc). Two thirds of organized digital criminals are over 25. The median size of groups is 6 members, while one quarter are 11+. However, even small groups can inflict significant damage. A quarter of active groups are new (in operation less than 6 months). Traditional criminals are increasingly using digital tools/techniques There are implications for governments and the police, naturally, but also perhaps for the potential targets/victims of organised e-crimes and those whose services are being used by them - particularly social media and financial services. However, it's far from obvious (from the summary report any...