Know your enemy
Paraphrasing the key conclusions of Organised Crime in the Digital Age, a study into digital crimes by BAE Systems Detica and the John Grieve Centre for Policing and Community Safety:
- Digital crimes are superceding drug crimes.
- 80% of digital crime is conducted by organised groups rather than lone criminals.
- Group structures vary (clustered, hierarchical etc).
- Two thirds of organized digital criminals are over 25.
- The median size of groups is 6 members, while one quarter are 11+. However, even small groups can inflict significant damage.
- A quarter of active groups are new (in operation less than 6 months).
- Traditional criminals are increasingly using digital tools/techniques
There are implications for governments and the police, naturally, but also perhaps for the potential targets/victims of organised e-crimes and those whose services are being used by them - particularly social media and financial services. However, it's far from obvious (from the summary report anyway) how to respond.