Spiralling-in on IoT security awareness
The Insecurity of Things awareness module is nearly complete.
I thought the management stream was done and dusted over the weekend, but today in the course of preparing the awareness seminar for professionals, I developed a simple 3-step process flow for the management of IoT risks, then expanded on each of the steps and realized that the approach is strategic ... which meant re-opening and revising the management seminar and briefing to expand on the strategy, realigning the management and professional streams.
Such iterations are common for us. Developing awareness content is not a straightforward sequential or linear process - more like a spiral. Producing each item in the set forces us to consider things from the perspective of its intended audience, sometimes suggesting different angles to other awareness items. Round and round we go until the bell signals the end of month deadline and it's time to change mode: tidy things up, close off loose ends and stop forever elaborating and refining stuff in search of perfection.
Ding! Must go.