A new title
June's awareness module covers the related areas of incident management and business continuity management, but "Security awareness and training module on incident management and business continuity management" is decidedly unwieldy, so I've been trying to think of something more apt.
Today I've come up with a new snappier title: "Incidents and disasters". That covers it nicely, I think, well the core of it anyway.
There is always some fuzziness at the scope boundary, and that's by intention since we're weaving the individual subjects together into a tapestry - the bigger picture.
The module's title is quite important because it sets expectations. It is the ultimate precis of the month's materials: if someone sees "Incidents and disasters" on some list, they have a clue about the module's focus.
So there we are, the entire topic summed up in just 3 words.
I quite like the idea of "Keep calm and carry on" too but it's just a little too obscure, too tongue-in-cheek for most I guess. Makes me smile though.