Cloud computing security awareness module released

Cloud computing is a strong and still growing part of the IT industry. It’s a hit!
However, the relative novelty of cloud computing puts inexperienced or naive managers, staff and professionals at something of a disadvantage: lacking appreciation of the technology and the commercial/business context, the information risks and especially the security and other cloud-related controls aren’t exactly obvious.
Information security (in the broadest sense – not just IT or cybersecurity) is a major concern with cloud computing, a source of aggravation and costs for the unaware. The organization's professionals/specialists in areas such as IT, risk, compliance and business continuity should have a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of clouds but have you every wondered how that level of knowledge is achieved? 
Simply put, securing the anticipated business benefits of cloud computing involves addressing the information risks that are associated with it.  If the risks are simply ignored, the benefits may be reduced or destroyed by costly security incidents. 

Learning objectives

We have thoroughly updated/rewritten the awareness materials originally delivered back in 2014 - eons ago in Internet time! So what has changed since then? 
Peer through the fog to learn how to avoid the pitfalls and secure the business benefits of cloud computing, with us.  Our latest awareness module:
  • Introduces and outlines cloud computing, providing general context and background information (e.g. explaining why so many organizations are eagerly adopting it) with as little techno-babble as we can get away with;
  • Informs workers in general about the information risk and security issues and concerns relating to or arising from cloud computing (e.g. the organization’s partial loss of control over its information), plus the business benefits (e.g. reduced costs, greater resilience and flexibility, plus access to cloud specialists). We’re promoting a balanced view;
  • Encourages those considering, specifying, evaluating, contracting for, using or managing cloud computing to identify, analyze and address the information risks, typically through appropriate controls that secure the business benefits as much as the data;
  • Promotes information risk and security management as a business enabler, without which cloud computing would be unacceptably risky.
Review your organization’s use of cloud computing - the apps, dependent business processes, strategies, policies and incidents. Are there any cloud -related risks on the corporate radar? How well are they understood and treated? What’s missing? What stands out? Talk to the relevant experts about it. Flush any issues and ideas into the open, incorporating them where appropriate into your awareness delivery.