Cyber risks in context

The World Economic Forum's latest Global Risks Report includes the following Probability Impact Graphic (yellow highlighting added):

So "cyber-attacks" are ranked in the the high-risk zone similar to "natural disasters", while "data fraud or theft" and "critical information infrastructure breakdown" are close-by. I find that quite remarkable: according to the survey, people are almost as concerned about information or IT security failures as they are about the increasingly extreme 'weather bombs' and natural disasters precipitated by climate change.   

The report also includes a forward-looking view of changing risks, including this level-headed assessment of the potential impact of quantum computing on present-day cryptography:
"When the huge resources being devoted to quantum research lead to large-scale quantum computing, many of the tools that form the basis of current digital cryptography will be rendered obsolete. Public key algorithms, in particular, will be effortlessly crackable. Quantum also promises new modes of encryption, but by the time new protections have been put in place many secrets may already have been lost to prying criminals, states and competitors. A collapse of cryptography would take with it much of the scaffolding of digital life. These technologies are at the root of online authentication, trust and even personal identity. They keep secrets—from sensitive personal information to confidential corporate and state data—safe. And they keep fundamental services running, from email communication to banking and commerce. If all this breaks down, the disruption and the cost could be massive. As the prospect of quantum code-breaking looms closer, a transition to new alternatives— such as lattice-based and hash-based cryptography—will gather pace. Some may even revert to low-tech solutions, taking sensitive information offline and relying on in-person exchanges. But historical data will be vulnerable too. If I steal your conventionally encrypted data now, I can bide my time until quantum advances help me to access it, regardless of any stronger precautions you subsequently put in place."
I distinctly remember raising this in a bank's risk workshop thirteen years ago. At the time, the risk was considered high impact but low probability: as the technology advances, the probability is increasing while, at the same time, so is the potential impact since we increasingly depend on cryptography. I wonder if the bank did anything about it, or merely dismissed it as 'Just another paranoid consultant's ramblings'?