Work goes on

We've updated more stuff for the Information Security 101 module today:
  • 8 two-page case studies based on commonplace incidents; 
  • 13 one-page scam alerts on common scams (yes, 13); 
  • Generic job descriptions for an Information Security Awareness Manager, plus an Awareness Officer, and Awareness Contacts (part timers, distributed throughout the organization). 
Ticks are appearing and darkening on the contents listing at a reasonable rate.

Meanwhile, over on the ISO27k Forum, we've been discussing terminology and the pros and cons of various information security frameworks, and CISSP Forum has been yakkin' about quantum crypto key exchange and fake news.  

Oh and we've arranged for the tractor repair man to come over tomorrow to fix a broken valve and solenoid, and I popped down to the vet for antibiotics for 3 sick animals.

Quite a varied and productive day, all in all.